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OTT optical networking public course dates and locations

Note that OTT public course dates may change, or extra dates and locations may become available to suit demand, so this list may not always be current for a specific partner. It is always best to keep in contact with your local OTT partner, so fill in the form below and we’ll ask them to contact you. Our partners also offer onsite courses for groups of trainees from one organisation and most partners get busy with company courses. If there’s not a date/location to suit you then OTT are looking for more partners so get in touch and suggest a local training provider you think would make a good OTT partner for these courses! 

OTT Certified Optical Network Associate (CONA) logo
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OTT Certified Optical Netwok Engineer (CONE) logo
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OTT Certified Fibre Characterisation Engineer (CFCE) logo
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OTT COFI-SA course from TransAfrican Fibre Services
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Let us know what OTT course dates and locations you're looking for....

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